WordPress Donation Plugin

Fundraising Your Movement

Fundrizer helps you collect, transparentize, and report without hassle.
Save hours on your fundraising operations and start move the movement 📍








More than 800+ organization

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What is Fundrizer?

Fundrizer is a Fundraising Engine

Build for the WordPress ecosystem, this plugin enables fundraising features on your WordPress site.
Fundrizer comes in three versions, each adding more features and enhancing the fundraising experience with less effort.


The free version includes essential features for launching fundraising campaigns and accepting payments, along with transparent reporting.


The premium version extends the features of the lite version, offering more advanced features to help you tackle fundraising tasks with less effort

Cloud Edition

The cloud version is a collection of features exclusively available in the Express Services package, enhancing your fundraising experience

What can Fundrizer do for you?

Collect, Transparentize, and Report

Enabling efficient fund collection, transparent financial processes, and reporting capabilities.

Launch Campaign with Flexible Design

With Gutenberg, you can design visuals that match your identity or style.

Gain fundraising Insights

Use the power of insight to enhance and optimize your fundraising campaign.

Send Notification to the Funders

Stay connected with supporters by receiving automatic notifications of their contributions.

Accept Funds with Flexible Payment

With WooCommerce as Payment System, you can add any payment method easily.

Appreciate the Funders

Contributions will be automatically shown on the campaign page.

Expense Transparency

Build trust through transparency by informing the public how you utilize the funds.

Automatic Updates

Get the most recent version and features through automatic updates.


Your currency format will be displayed based on your WooCommerce currency settings.

Campaign Updates

Display updates and progress of your campaign, gaining trust through transparency.

Fundraising Tools

Never Lost in Fundraising Again

Focus on your real movement rather that focus on how you fundraising

Fundraiser Wall

Join 10+ Organization

Fundrizer has helped more that 20 Organization.
from NonProfit Organization into Company Organization and Individual

LBH Jakarta

We use Fundrizer as part of Fundraising strategy and make it our main Funding system

Ulil albab

This is one is a game changer, especially on that small matter of lacking words or writer block


Fundrizer is perfect for Fundraising, start from collecting, managing, and get insight about it

Real world example

Use Cases

How does a user use Fundrizer as a tool to help go from zero to fully funded

Fundraising for Organization

LBH Jakarta is a non-profit organization that helps people who may not have legal power to achieve justice.

Fundraising for Software Project

Baitul Mal is an open-source plugin that helps organizations manage their Baitul Mal activities digitally.

Fundraising for Creator ( Soon )

Fundrizre empowers creators to fund their projects, whether it’s video content, art, music, or any other passion.

For WordPress Enthusiasts

Download and install it on your own

For those comfortable with setting up their own hosting and domain,
it requires knowledge of WordPress.

Minimum WordPress 6.5,
and PHP 8.1 or greater

Learn how to install Fundrizer plugin on your site.

Learn how to launch your fundraising campaign

Learn how to designing your fundraising page

Frequently asked questions

Got any questions?

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our customer support team

Fundrizer vs Fundrizer Cloud ?

Fundrizer is a free plugin that you can install in your WordPress, suitable for every beginner fundraising idea.

Fundrizer Cloud is a managed service that we provide for organizations that want a hassle-free and faster start with more features, easy billing without the need to worry about infrastructure technology.

Do I need WooCommerce to operate?

Yes, for now we only have woocommerce for payment system we will add more in future based onuser feedback and demand. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work to improve our payment options.

Collect, Distribute and Report

“I’ve used and tested all wordpress speed plugins out there, FlyingPress beats every single one of them on every aspect by a mile. Easiest to use and setup. Got much better results than with Litespeed plugin with 100x less setup work.”

Collect, Distribute and Report

“I’ve used and tested all wordpress speed plugins out there, FlyingPress beats every single one of them on every aspect by a mile. Easiest to use and setup. Got much better results than with Litespeed plugin with 100x less setup work.”

Collect, Distribute and Report

“I’ve used and tested all wordpress speed plugins out there, FlyingPress beats every single one of them on every aspect by a mile. Easiest to use and setup. Got much better results than with Litespeed plugin with 100x less setup work.”

Collect, Distribute and Report

“I’ve used and tested all wordpress speed plugins out there, FlyingPress beats every single one of them on every aspect by a mile. Easiest to use and setup. Got much better results than with Litespeed plugin with 100x less setup work.”